Alsószentmártoni Tanoda

Tanodánkban szakképzett pedagógusok, szociális munkások hitoktatók és önkénteseink segítik a tanulást az általános-, és középiskolás gyermekeknek.
Családias légkörben játékkal, kirándulásokkal, kézműves és sportfoglalkozással várjuk munkatársainkkal a kisebbeket-nagyobbakat.
Tanoda vezető: Gyurka Zsolt
After School Support Program in Alsószentmárton
An after school support program (Tanoda in Hungarian) is a community space/hub, which mostly resembles a mixture of a classroom and a residential house, where our staff educates the children every weekday afternoon after their regular school activities. The staff includes our educators, social workers, faith educators, and volunteers who help the children (both of elementary and high school) with their homework, by coaching them on various subjects or simply aid them to catch up with school.
In a family-friendly atmosphere, we are waiting for the children with games, excursions, handicrafts and sports.